Brand policies

The following policies are established in the university’s Operations Manual to help protect Iowa's brand.

University brand policy

Establishes correct and consistent use of the university’s brand guidelines across all forms of communication executed by any unit of the university, any registered student organization, or any independent contractor of the institution.

Licensing policy

Governs the use of university marks, logos, and symbols in items produced for sale or distribution either by units of the university or entities external to the university, and services offered by entities external to the university.

Use of the university name

Protects the use of the university name for any purpose in any non-university endeavor, which is defined as any activity not part of or is unrelated to the fulfillment of the missions of the university.

University Brand Committee

The University Brand Committee is a cross-campus advisory and working group that takes responsibility for guiding and managing the university brand, with responsibilities outlined in the University Brand Policy.

The committee and any related working groups convene on a monthly basis and include representation from the following units:

  • Vice President for External Relations
  • Office of Strategic Communication
  • Enrollment Management
  • Division of Student Life
  • Human Resources
  • Professional and undergraduate collegiate representation
  • Trademark Licensing
  • University of Iowa Center for Advancement
  • University of Iowa Health Care
  • Vice President for Research