The University of Iowa often partners with external organizations such as businesses, nonprofits, and other institutions. As such, it is important to use the Iowa brand correctly to best represent the University of Iowa’s role in each of these partnerships.
Use the following examples to help you determine the appropriate way to represent Iowa partnerships and third-party relationships.

Iowa as the lead
- Prioritize the Iowa brand and utilize brand resources.
- Place supporting partner logos, or names in plain text, in black or white along the bottom of the communication.

Iowa as an equal partner
- Use the IOWA logo or appropriate unit lockup with adequate clear space and in equal proportion to partner logos.
- Use full-color logos according to Iowa and partner brand guidelines.

Iowa recognized by third party
- Use the IOWA logo or unit lockup in a context that recognizes the formal relationship between the university and third party. For example “Sponsored by,” “Presented by,” “Clients include,” et cetera.
Third-party use of the university name
Use of the university name or language used alongside the logo should not appear as an endorsement of any product, service, or organization and should be reviewed by the Office of Strategic Communication for approval. Usage will be evaluated with discretion for the best interest of the university. When contracts or agreement forms require a signature, please contact for assistance.
When contacting the Office of Strategic Communication for third-party usage, please provide:
- A summary of the relationship with the third party and any contracts or agreement forms,
- Confirmed University of Iowa contact, and
- Visual demonstration of how the logo will be used.
Cobranding usage examples
Iowa as lead
When the university is a host or lead sponsor responsible for funding an effort and/or creating the communication materials and assets, the Iowa brand should take priority.

SiteNow website
Websites hosted on the domain must follow web guidelines. Cobranding partnerships can be recognized by placing partner logos or names in a content block above the footer.

Sponsor listings
When the university has many sponsors or when space is limited, sponsorships can be listed in plain text. This promotes visual balance among sponsors and further supports Iowa as the lead.

Internal cosponsorship
When multiple campus units partner together, use the block IOWA logo and list unit names separately in plain text. Use type style (size, color, weight, etc.) to denote different levels of sponsorship if necessary. Don’t use multiple lockups.
Iowa as a partner or recognized by a third-party
When the university provides resources or funding toward an external effort and an outside entity is responsible for the communication materials and assets, follow these partner and third party usage examples.
In most cases, unit names are unnecessary when indicating university sponsorship to external audiences because those audiences tend to see all units as simply the University of Iowa. If unit identification is needed, use an official unit lockup.

Color usage
Use the block IOWA logo or appropriate unit lockup in black or gold. If the logo must be used on a non-brand color by a third party, use the logo in white or black only.

University name in list format
Use the full name "University of Iowa" when the university is listed in plain text among partners or other third parties.

Sponsorship on swag
All promotional items purchased as part of a sponsorship that use the block IOWA logo or any other trademarks must be purchased from a licensed vendor, follow brand guidelines, and include context to recognize the relationship.